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Hamara Forums _ Cricket _ Disgraced Hair Gets A Sack

Posted by: tracknest Nov 8 2006, 04:53 AM

Good to see there is still some common sense and justice left in this world. Hair gets a sack and the game gets rid of a umpire that brought disgrace to the game.

The ICC has reached the right verdict after all the investigations and Ricky Ponting has the audacity to support Hair, One makes you wonder after the shameful eposide where Aussies behaved like uneducated road side buffons in the ceremony of the Champions tropy that why Ponting should support this brute.

The sack of Hair is good for the game and a symbol that racism has no place in the game .

Posted by: myawan Nov 11 2006, 10:02 AM

Playing better cricket is only some portion of a good cricketer, bearing good character and having a socialized behaviour is the major part of it which all Australians lack.

Posted by: myawan Nov 11 2006, 10:04 AM

Whatever the Australians did on the ceremony stage was totally foolish, they just don't have the stomach to digest big wins......

Posted by: Mandrake Nov 11 2006, 10:58 AM

having a socialized behaviour is the major part of it which all Australians lack.

All? Thats too sweeping. Lets say most...

Whatever the Australians did on the ceremony stage was totally foolish, they just don't have the stomach to digest big wins......

I wonder if that falls under the 'foolish' category. Ricky Ponting showed lack of manners. That is a lacuna in the upbringing, not foolishness.
Damien Martyn, to my eye, didn't shove, just gently put Pawar out of the way. Thats more exuberance than anything.
True, they should have waited in both instances, but I'd still put it down to the difference in cultures.
We respect elders. Call them 'aap', 'chacha', and what not. Westerners call each other by first names, whatever the age.
It is a cultural difference. Pointless to debate over the correctness of lack of it...

Posted by: Bhirgu Nov 17 2006, 03:44 AM

QUOTE(Mandrake @ Nov 11 2006, 10:58 AM) *

having a socialized behaviour is the major part of it which all Australians lack.

All? Thats too sweeping. Lets say most...

Whatever the Australians did on the ceremony stage was totally foolish, they just don't have the stomach to digest big wins......

I wonder if that falls under the 'foolish' category. Ricky Ponting showed lack of manners. That is a lacuna in the upbringing, not foolishness.
True, they should have waited in both instances, but I'd still put it down to the difference in cultures.
It is a cultural difference. Pointless to debate over the correctness of lack of it...

Track Bhai, we have been the best of friends for some time now. What have I ever done to you that you bracket me in with these descendants of the convicts!!

Mandrake thanks for defending me!

Also Suhas, you are correct in your analysis about the cultural differences BUT I believe when in Rome do as the Romans do. This Australian team is widely perceived to be rude and arrogant and this incident with Sharad Pawar ( a Cabinet Minister) merely confirms that it is true.


Posted by: fiftysomeone Jan 21 2007, 05:24 AM

QUOTE(tracknest @ Nov 8 2006, 04:53 AM) *

Good to see there is still some common sense and justice left in this world. Hair gets a sack and the game gets rid of a umpire that brought disgrace to the game.

The ICC has reached the right verdict after all the investigations and Ricky Ponting has the audacity to support Hair, One makes you wonder after the shameful eposide where Aussies behaved like uneducated road side buffons in the ceremony of the Champions tropy that why Ponting should support this brute.

The sack of Hair is good for the game and a symbol that racism has no place in the game .

Incidentally, Hair appears to be working his way back - he is officiating in the Kenya tri-series this week.

Posted by: Mandrake Jan 21 2007, 08:25 AM

Hair that is cut off, grows back. We all know that, don't we? laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: azad Jan 21 2007, 09:07 AM

QUOTE(Mandrake @ Jan 21 2007, 10:55 AM) *
Hair that is cut off, grows back. We all know that, don't we? laugh.gif laugh.gif
They need to do a laser job on him next time, so he is never seen again. laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: tracknest Feb 23 2007, 05:27 AM

QUOTE(Bhirgu @ Nov 17 2006, 03:44 AM) *

Track Bhai, we have been the best of friends for some time now. What have I ever done to you that you bracket me in with these descendants of the convicts!!

Bhirgu bhai

We are still best of friends. I did not bracket you with any convicts my friend. I hope you are joking.

Hope this clears the air laugh.gif

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