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Hamara Forums _ Antariksh Aur Anhoni _ Dreams

Posted by: Lata Jul 20 2005, 01:03 AM unifies the mind, body and soul. Have you tried recalling your dream or interpreting it? Most of the times I am able to recall my dreams but I have never tried to interpret it. Lets discuss this fascinating world of Dreams smile1.gif

Posted by: Teetlee Jul 20 2005, 02:12 AM

If you can recall your dream you can interpret it.. Right.?
We all see dreams and they are for real, we don't dream as if we are super humans, well that is the case with me not sure of others.

Posted by: Lata Jul 20 2005, 03:08 AM

Have never been able to tell why I dreamt of it. What the dream meant . e.g why did I have a sad dream even though my day was fun filled. Why do people dream. Does it have any connection with our past life. I often dream of being a gypsy. Was I one in my past life?

Posted by: Teetlee Jul 20 2005, 03:48 AM

Dreams are part of human subconscious mind, what we dream is what we know of. We don't dream that we can't relate to or we have never heard of. Something that we have come across or can think of or have read about, we don't dream some thing we don't even know or can think of. Some people dream about Aliens but then that is linked to spacecraft that we know of, we simply extend our knowledge to what we have with us.

Posted by: bibhas Jul 20 2005, 08:41 AM

I had an interesting dream today. Actually I am not sure I can call it a dream since I was in a semi-awake state at that time and could register what I was "seeing" as I was seeing it.
There was a little light inside me, it was very bright and looked sort of like one of those diwali diyas. I was curious to check it out so I went closer to it and it started to grow in size until I was miniscule in front of it. It also started to glow brighter and whiter. I entered the flame and I didn't get burnt or anything. I just kept travelling inside that flame for a long long time (or so it seemed) until the light vanished and it was replaced by peace all around me. I woke up from this and I could feel peace all around me.

Can anyone interpret this ?

Posted by: Chitralekha Jul 20 2005, 10:06 AM

Dreams are nothing more than what we see, feel, hear, experience during the day. I do believe some people dream and those dreams come true but its a rare thing. Btw, I dream every single night. Not sure whats the solution to that. Putting a key under my pillow has helped but not much. Any other ideas?

Posted by: preety Jul 22 2005, 01:06 AM

Sigmund Freud describes dream as the keys to the unconscious. He determined that dream content was unconscious "wish fulfillment".
Dreams function to reveal the unconscious mind, anticipate future events, and give expression to neglected areas of the dreamer's personality.

if anyone's interested here is the list of some common dream and interpretation smile1.gif

Attached File(s)
Attached File  Some_Common_Dreams.doc ( 32 k ) Number of hits: 12 by members

Posted by: Mandrake Jul 22 2005, 11:49 AM

I dream every night too. And remember a fair portion of my dreams, so that I can relate it in the morning someone.

Sometimes, if something has been on my mind for a large part of the day or so, the dreams are related to that. (Perhaps that can connect to Bibhas seeing the dream he saw - currently he is in search of his inner self).

The important part I have realized in my dreams is this:
Almost all my dreams have a proper logical sequence, as in a film, where the next scene is connected to the previous scene. However, suddenly, scenes change at a point and connect to something totally different.

For instance, I am walking down a street in Delhi (in my dream) and all the things are in place as in my waking hours. At the end of the street, I turn, say, left, and suddenly I am on a street in Belgaum. That street too is very familiar (these are two of the places I have lived in for 5 years each).
One day I figured out the connection. The street in Delhi where I turned left, had a red post-box at the end of the street. The street in Belgaum that I entered, had a red post-box at the beginning.

Then on, I realized that when scenes change abruptly in my dreams, there is always a connecting point between them.

This is just for my interested friends here. Wonder if any of you have made similar connections.

Posted by: divyanjali Aug 24 2005, 04:44 AM

i have found solutions to my problems many a times in the dreams...smile1.gif

Posted by: visuja Aug 24 2005, 04:27 PM

Oh wow ! just saw this thread today.

I agree with Mandrake that dreams signify something thats been occupying our sub-conscious mind. Many a times I have dreamt about people I miss the most, and saw myself with them. Sometimes I visualise myself saying or asking questions that I've always wanted to say / ask my friends / known people. Many of my 'incomplete' wishes have been fulfilled in my dreams, and many a times I wake up in excitement only to find it to be a dream sad1.gif Then I go back to sleep trying to 'recollect' and 're-enter' the dream but in vain sad1.gif In many of the cases, esp when its an uncomfortable dream, I generally wake up in the middle of the dream and then go thru with it, knowing in the back of my mind that its only a dream !! Sometimes I'm in the midst of different sets of friends all sitting together in a completely different environment. For example, I might be with my US friends and undergraduate friends all of us sitting together in my secondary school attending 10 std classes doh.gif Well these are just some instances which I recall and can make a 'connection' to my physical world.

I've also had some pretty weird dreams which didnt have any plausible connection to my life; though cant recall anything at the moment. However, I dont quite recall an instance where Ive dreamt of being someone I'm not. In most of my dreams I am just myself. Also I've never dreamt of my own future as in in a few years I'll be this and that. Its always got to do something with my past memories. I wonder why !

D -- u r lucky u can sleep in order to dream and hence discover solutions ! In my case, I never manage to sleep peacefully if something is plaguing my mind. Sapne dekhna to doooor ki baat hai sad1.gif

Posted by: NATURE Aug 24 2005, 04:29 PM

Sigmund Freud was a well known Austrian Psychiatrist. I have forgotten the Name of his contemporary.
Most of their theories are opposite to eachother. What Sigmund Freud said about Dreams, he said something
Else. According to him, " U may dream of something that u never thought of. What u didn't think of in
Your real life, u may think of it in your Dreams ". Human " subconscious mind " is a concept. This
Concept is behind that Concept. I forgot where I read the whole article, hopefully some Science Journal.

Here is a Little Note that I am rewriting. Mandrake Ji , u may find the answer to yr " Remembering
Fair Portion of my Dreams " .

Do u Dream of while sleeping ?

Dream is very necessary for us, like sleeping. Without Dreaming our health will go down similarly
What will happen to us if u don't sleep for a few days ... samething applies here also. But we
Dream, u may be thinking "No, I don't dream continuously for many days". But it's wrong...We dream
But sometimes what happens we forget that we dreamed in the last night. Why it happens ?
Well our sleep has many stages. 1 of them is REM ( Rapid Eye Movement ) .. which comes after
The first 90 minute of our sleeping. As the name suggests in this stage our eyes move very fast
And we usually used to dream in this stage. So if some person wakes up u, then u will remember
The whole dream. U can say what u have seen, where u have seen ..etc, but if u wake up in the
Morning u sometimes don't remember anything therefore u think u didn't dream. 1 interesting thing
Is our dream is Colorful. It's not Black & WHite. But if we wake up after a long time when REM sleep
Is finished, we think our dream was B & H but we can remember how colorful our dream was if we
Wake up in the REM sleep or immediately after that ..
During a night of sleep, a person usually has about four or five periods of REM sleep, which are quite
short at the beginning of the night and longer at the end. It is common to wake for a short time at the
end of a REM phase. The total time of REM sleep per night is about 90-120 minutes.

Posted by: divyanjali Aug 24 2005, 06:54 PM

well abt dreams.. once one of my frnd rose one question..he asked whether a blind person can see it or not???
me think he can because this is perception of our mind not of our eyes....if i am wrong then do correct me!!

ok one thing more..this has hapened withme many a times...lin school days or even in my under-grad, just on the very first day of the exam/test i used to see the dream i am geting late..nomatter how much i try to be on time i miss the exam....!! please explain why so i saw such dreams.....???

other thing i wil say that we never see dreams when we are having sound sleep..

so visuja dont thinkt that since u dont have peaceful night u dont see dreams...!! reason may be something else. smile1.gif

Posted by: NATURE Aug 25 2005, 01:35 AM

About yr 1st Question : It's a very good Question. So many people did research
On this ... Yes, A Blind Person can dream but their dream has some additional
Concepts .. wanna read some Article ?
U will find some links in that page .. U may check them for better understanding ..

About yr 2nd Q : I saw this part in a website so copying it as it is ... Bwcause I saw
The words "Late in an Exam" so thought it would give some light to yr Question ..

Almost everyone has experienced one or more dreams that contain anxiety or
outright fear. For some, unpleasant dreams or nightmares recur repeatedly; for
others, the content may change while the theme remains the same, such as
scenes of falling, or of being pursued or attacked, late or unprepared for a
presentation or an exam, stuck in slow motion, unable to move or scream, or
naked in public, to name a few common themes. This type of experience, when
unpleasant, is usually associated with lack of progress by the dreamer to
recognize and solve related conflicts in life

Wanna read more ? Check ... and if u wanna know about REM Sleep then go here : ...
user posted image
Sorry couldn't answer to yr Questions ... I don't know, just picked up some links .

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